Take the surprise out of your doctor visits and use the internet to see what is and isn't covered with your vision benefits. Knowing if you are eligible for an examination or new eyeglasses before showing up for an appointment can be a real time saver for both you and the doctor. Remember, your vision plan and your medical insurance are not the same, so don't confuse the two.
Register on your vision provider's website and log in to check your benefits
- VSP https://www.vsp.com/member/htmls/memberhome.jsp
- Spectera https://www.spectera.com/memberWelcome.html
- Medical Eye Services https://www.mesvision.com/patients/homepage.htm
- EyeMed http://portal.eyemedvisioncare.com/wps/portal/emweb/members
- CompBenefits http://www.compbenefits.com/customers/members/overview.html
- Superior Vision http://www.superiorvision.com/member/index.aspx
- SafeGuard http://www.safeguard.net/members.html
We are also a provider for Medicare. Please call for details.